The Role of Adverbs and Adjectives in English Negation
Mahfood Khalaf Aljuburi (1) الملخص
نحاول ياه ااالب ب احان بل نااو ي ب اااه ياه ب يزاة بأنتيارهااة مجاااوال حلال اتااوأ ب احياا ب يزا ب ل م هار حوةاة ب ال ب لاب اةى ةالي حياا بلالي ب اااواب ب ااه حلا اا ال ب ااه لب ااه ام اااو بوبق نوياااة ليااو يلاااوهال ب ااه ل ااااو ب ح ها لى هتال حهاااو ياه ااااو ب حا بأنتيااار أثاو بل الب شاكال بخالlocal negation لال ك م الهم شكال بخل ان او هسلل ب اه ب ل اه ان هلجم يل اة بل ب ااه أهارب حوةاة ب ال ب لاب اةى لاان خاال واب اة اها االل ب وا بال هااان ب احن بل ب ح أهلكن يصيه جن ب لأ ة يه واب ة ب يزةى وال ناوئي الب ب احان بل حياا جااواق ال بوبق ناه ب تلية اشا ب يهاوع جان لو اة ةلهالق اان ب ااه ب ل ااهonly لحثل ايلةfar from لا ذ ك ههات حل ب اه م همخل لوه ان ب لاب ة لب احنى
The present paper tries to deal with English negation as an area of linguistic analysis that still needs to be investigated. A phrase that is negative in meaning which is not accounted for in books of grammar is analyzed as a negator according to the criteria set by grammarians and we might possibly find other parts of speech which carry negation. Another aspect of local negation is introduced to prove that this is another example in favour of the hypothesis that negation is yet to be studied. By studying such phenomena the paper also suggests that grammar cannot be separated from semantics in the study of language. The findings of the study show that the analysis of the phrase far from and the effect of only after a clause negator resulted in
(1) Asst. Lecturer, English Language Department, College of Arts, Mosul Accepted: 18-08-2008 University.
Received: 15-04-2008
Mahfood Khalaf Aljuburi uncovered case of local negation all of which suggest that negation is understudied and under researched.
I-Introduction The notion of negation itself is far from being as straightforward as it might appear to be at first
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