
The Role Of Corruption In Macbeth

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Macbeth is a kind-hearted and respected general who serves a position of great honor in his kingdom. He doesn’t, however, know the fate he has yet to come. Unto him fall the words of the wicked, twisted sisters and his seducing wife. This brainwashing trial causes a transformation of Macbeth’s character. Shakespeare is able to express how Macbeth goes from fair to foul and pulls the kingdom down along the same path. Milk and blood imagery are utilized throughout The Tragedy of Macbeth to reveal how the Macbeths’ foul behavior corrupts everything once considered fair and sacred; ultimately these unnatural effects must be righted so that kingship is again holy and just.
The play opens with Macbeth slaying the villainous rebel, Macdonwald. This action sets the play in an atmosphere of victory and triumph. Sergeant says:
For brave Macbeth–well he deserves that name–
Disdaining fortune, with his brandish’d steel,
Which smoked with bloody execution, like valor’s minion carved out his passage. (1.2.18-20)
In this excerpt, Sergeant treats Macbeth with veneration, for the gallant deed he accomplishes. The blood imagery, in this case, reveals Macbeth’s originally heroic character. However, throughout the course of the play, Macbeth’s character becomes crooked and malicious. Each vile deed adds up until no longer tolerated.
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He says, “And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood / Which was not so before. There’s no such thing: / It is the bloody business which informs” (2.1.54-56). Because Macbeth sees such strange things, it is assumed that he is mentally ill and struggling with guilt or fear. The dagger represents the fear and illness in which he is not able to overcome. Blood drops off the dagger, symbolizing the guilt appearing, before the actual assassination has even occurred. He is clearly stressed over the situation to come, but is beginning to think it is his only option and attempts to overcome his

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