States announced war on drugs so to limit distribution of illegal substances and its supply across the borders. Although, the flawless policy of state organization during implementation of this program is discussed even today. At the same time, it should be noted that representatives of minorities are preferably found guilty in distribution of illegal drugs. The U.S. government believes that presence of several minorities and African American community, in particular, results in sharp increase of drug consumption within the whole country. Moreover, some experts presume that higher incarcerated rates for consumption of drugs among African American community serve the role of confirmation of the role of this minority in the illegal drug trade ("How Big Is The U.S. Market For Illegal Drugs?", 2014).
The current decade is featured with the heaviest drug consumption level per individual in the United States. This country experienced significant drain of the state budget due to the efforts of the state to develop efficient drug trafficking strategy. In the meantime, it should be noted that illegal drug trade also serves the role of industry generating profits for suppliers of illegal substances. In 2012 about 330 000 suspects were found guilty for any form of crime pertaining to drugs use and distribution. The overall costs of the actions of these people amounted up to $8 billion. With that, the National institute on Drug Abuse reports that several inmates and ordinary Americans suffer from drug addiction or abuse. The provision of efficient medical treatment requires about $10,000 per person (Adinolfi, 2013).
Apart from these estimations, the American society bears significant expenses because of continuous drug trade. Illegal drug abuse amounts to $180 billion a year due to involved healthcare expenditures, absence of quality human capital, low performance, activity of law enforcement agencies and other expenses. In addition, prisons of the United States are seemed to be overcrowded with people prosecuted for illegal drugs use or distribution. In fact, the problem with high rates of illegal drug trade remains in the American community because of several factors. In particular, the American society is quite diverse today in reference to cultural backgrounds of the nationals, their nationalities. In addition, the state bodies of the United States still can not improve control over the flow of illegal substances across the border with Mexico. Drug cartels of Mexico supply their drugs to the territory of the United States. The later is regarded as territory where high sales on drug realization may be achieved. The system of drug trafficking requires additional attention today in order to limit rise of rates pertaining to national expenditures, amount of inmates (Shukla, Crump, & Chrisco, 2012).
Law enforcement agencies of the United States regularly update their policies so to be capable to resolve drug trafficking at the national level.
However, these efforts are not sufficient as even new countries join to drug trafficking across the borders of the United States. The illegal drugs trade causes several social and economic effects. In addition to the drains of economy and state budget, the extensive consumption of illegal drug use causes several severe diseases. Given the direct responsibility of the government to protect interests and life of its nationals, the government of the United States can not afford itself to pay no attention to suicide, homicide and other consequences of drug use. In addition to this fact, it should be noted that the country still faces difficulties with measuring of the definite amount of drugs arriving to the