What is management?
Simply it is the art of getting work done through people, the way you would have done it yourself and with the available resources. Optimum utilization of resources is the first rule of management. Making the best out of whatever is available with you is a management art. It involves four major functions viz planning, organizing, staffing and controlling/coordinating.
What is development?
As the word suggests, it is progress i.e. a growth or success over a period of time. For a business, it can be expansion and diversification and for an individual may be a promotion or a salary hike.
So, what is management development?
If we put the two together, it simple means one’s improved abilities to manage businesses or self. It is a conscious effort, planned in nature, which makes a person capable and increases their capacity to manage an organization, its people and also their own self.
Best explained, it is the process by which managers discover as well as improve their abilities and skills, which would not only be advantageous to them but also to the organizations for which they work.
The most common traits required in a manger are good communication skills, leadership qualities, problem identification and solving, and most importantly persuading and encouraging others to give in their best. These traits if not present in a manager or are dormant, can be identified and developed over a period of time through proper management development programs.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY • It is acknowledged as one of the determinants for organizational success having a direct impact on its economical benefits. • For organizations, making available such techniques to their managers helps the company to hold on to their prized employees. • It also helps the organization to serve their customers better. • The productivity of the managers as well as employees increases. • Leadership
References: • Lenskold, James D. (2003). The Path to Campaign, Customer, and Corporate Profitability by James D. Lenskold. McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-141363-4. Retrieved 2008-11-03. • Masi, R. J.; Weidner, C. K, AS (1995). Organizational culture, distribution and amount of control, and perceptions of quality. Group & Organization Management. DOI:10.1177/1059601195202004. • Powell, Guy R. (2008). Marketing Calculator: Measuring and managing return on marketing investment. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-82395-8. Retrieved 2008-07-01