Equality was treated like all of his fellow Street Sweepers. It is all he knew. He had to follow all of the council’s rules, such as not being different from your brothers (Rand 21). For Equality, he tried to be like the rest of the sweepers, but he found himself remembering the lessons instead of forgetting, and understanding the lessons instead of being confused. This was a hint that Equality was different, no matter how hard he tried to be the same as the others. For him, being a street sweeper was easy, and at night, Equality would gather things such as glass pieces and dry bones to study (Rand 29). Things like this made Equality realize even more …show more content…
Along the way, he helps his love Liberty, become an individual too. Without his invention, he would have never thought he could make a change and be different, but in the end he did. He thought it was a sin to write at the beginning of the novel, but as he progresses past communism he focuses on his own independent values. He set an example for all people and let them know that it is okay to be good at something; it is okay to stand out. Equality’s moral assessments change from the beginning to end because he realizes who he genuinely is as a person, and not what others want him to be. It is not a sin for Equality to write, it is a