For he only sought for affection, and friendship like any other human, but he was thought to be a monster by one look at him. He could have redeemed himself with only the affection from another. He ask his creator, Victor, for a female like him; “‘You must create a female for me with whom I can live and share my feelings,” (139), but Victor at the end decided to not full fill this “monster’s” wishes. He didn’t want to unleash another fiend into this world. This man denied the man’s only chance of affection, the “monster” loses himselfs to these dark emotions. This “monster” was not created to be evil, but was turned by the views of his fellow humankind. This is why secondary student should critically read Frankenstein to see that this man was not evil till the prejudice of humankind turns him. Poisoning the “monster” with their words, and actions. Humankind bases their judgement on looks before they get to know the person. If they are not careful they could create a monster, out of sweet creature, like this man, who just wanted to be
For he only sought for affection, and friendship like any other human, but he was thought to be a monster by one look at him. He could have redeemed himself with only the affection from another. He ask his creator, Victor, for a female like him; “‘You must create a female for me with whom I can live and share my feelings,” (139), but Victor at the end decided to not full fill this “monster’s” wishes. He didn’t want to unleash another fiend into this world. This man denied the man’s only chance of affection, the “monster” loses himselfs to these dark emotions. This “monster” was not created to be evil, but was turned by the views of his fellow humankind. This is why secondary student should critically read Frankenstein to see that this man was not evil till the prejudice of humankind turns him. Poisoning the “monster” with their words, and actions. Humankind bases their judgement on looks before they get to know the person. If they are not careful they could create a monster, out of sweet creature, like this man, who just wanted to be