Nguyen Thanh Binh
Free University of Berlin, Germany, Institute of Sociology, Gary strasse 55, 14195
Berlin, Germany
Abstract: Vietnamese families are the first, primary and deciding factor in educating-socializing each person.
It is through families that people can learn the standards, values approved by the society. Families are the first human group, which people are raised, looked after, educated and grown up. During childhood, children live in families and learn a lot by observing and teaching, and know what is wrong or right, should or shouldn’t .
In Vietnamese families, fathers and mothers play the most important role in educating children. Fathers symbolize intelligence, will, and family discipline to unite children-especially sons. Mothers who are often careful, close to children everyday, find out and timely shape misleading, and better at raising children lifestyle.
With tender and tactful attitude, mothers convert, persuade and teach children to love even when they grow up.
Key words: Children, education, family, socialization, Vietnam
Each person was born twice: biological and social person. In terms of biology, the birth of human is not different from that of other animals. The research of anthropology, sociology, linguistics has proved that if one baby is separated from the society and its culture, he is no more than weed in the fields or other animals.
The process of changing a baby from a natural organ to social person happens through educating-socializing.
This refers to the second birth. In spite of being humanly born, the baby will never become human if he is uneducated and entirely separated from society.
According to the famous American sociologist, Robert
Park, Human born is not already human, he only becomes human in educating process. Similarly, the French sociologist, Sabran said: Society is like a ship, individuals who must
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