Frequently, politicians and media outlets simplify an accident to one person or to a group of people. Attributing blame upon an
entire race or ethnicity is detrimental to the livelihood of those being accused. For example categorizing all muslims into terrorists, this statement is not true yet many people are afraid of them and accuse muslims as being terrorists. The stereotypes created against immigrants hinder their ability to enter or seek sanctions in countries such as the U.S. Various discussions to prevent refugees from entering the U.S. occurred in the wake of the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Another example is currently happening in the U.S., there is a wide gap in trust for police officers due to claims about racial profiling against African Americans. According to, “The Effects of Racial Profiling,” the effects of racial profiling include a diminished sense of citizenship, dehumanization, and feelings of being a less worthy member of society. Using hate speech to diminish someone prevents happiness in both the accuser and the accused. Accepting that the actions of one person is not reflective of whatever background they come from is essential to being more happy and positive. Living each day by pointing out the faults in others does nothing to solve the issues at hand. After the Holocaust, many people held resentment and prejudice towards Germans. However, it is important to know that not all Germans agreed with it or caused it and that alienating them will not solve the damage that occurred. Happiness does not and should not come from the alienation of others.