While the Salem witch trials are occurring, the girls talk complete blasphemy about invisible doings. Judge Danforth throws all reason out of the window and believes these girls over anyone else. “Horrified: Mary Warren! Draw your spirit back out of them!” Danforth was swayed more about young girls screaming of an invisible bird in the room that no one in the room saw over a petition that proves the wives of the men were indeed innocent. These girls framed everyone in town on account of witchcraft. Judge Danforth shows a bias towards witchcraft since this is the puritan era. The puritans consist of religious extremists and witches were seen as the help of the devil. Danforth then, without hesitation proceeds to believe the girl’s accusations and goes through with hanging half of the town. Danforth is unfair on account of his extremist ways. An effective judge would not show bias to religious affairs and would need hard, cold facts; Not any superstition or “invisible bird spreading its wings on the rafters.” Danforth is also going through with these hangings and trials because the success rate will be extremely high. The bias qualities of the puritan society to punish every evil overpowers the law. Danforth will have a great reputation for being the man who saved Salem from witchcraft. He is backed up religiously as well, so his career will be full of success and to him that is more important than the fate of an accused human in
While the Salem witch trials are occurring, the girls talk complete blasphemy about invisible doings. Judge Danforth throws all reason out of the window and believes these girls over anyone else. “Horrified: Mary Warren! Draw your spirit back out of them!” Danforth was swayed more about young girls screaming of an invisible bird in the room that no one in the room saw over a petition that proves the wives of the men were indeed innocent. These girls framed everyone in town on account of witchcraft. Judge Danforth shows a bias towards witchcraft since this is the puritan era. The puritans consist of religious extremists and witches were seen as the help of the devil. Danforth then, without hesitation proceeds to believe the girl’s accusations and goes through with hanging half of the town. Danforth is unfair on account of his extremist ways. An effective judge would not show bias to religious affairs and would need hard, cold facts; Not any superstition or “invisible bird spreading its wings on the rafters.” Danforth is also going through with these hangings and trials because the success rate will be extremely high. The bias qualities of the puritan society to punish every evil overpowers the law. Danforth will have a great reputation for being the man who saved Salem from witchcraft. He is backed up religiously as well, so his career will be full of success and to him that is more important than the fate of an accused human in