Thesis Statement: I think if the United States were to legalize marijuana in the 21st century, would it lead to a decrease in crime and create a stimulus for the economy. I am going to show that the taxpayers are forced to pay billions of dollars to prosecute, and incarcerate people for having marijuana. If marijuana were legal and regulated (like alcohol and tobacco) this money, plus tax revenues from marijuana sales could be used for other purposes such as education and health care.…
* It could be a source of additional tax revenues. An enormous amount of money is raised through government taxation of alcohol, cigarettes, and other "sins". The legalization of marijuana would create another item that could be taxed. I'm sure the government would have no problem spending all that extra money.…
Since 1961 marijuana has been illegal in the United States but in the 2012 election Colorado and Washington voters decided they wanted that to change. Marijuana has very valuable medical use to patients suffering from some terminal diseases. It also has a very valuable industrial use with the cultivation of hemp from the cannabis plant. Along with this marijuana is also a fun recreational drug that is used by many to create a fun social environment among friends. The legalization of marijuana would make it so law enforcement could stop wasting there time with non-violent marijuana users and spend it on finding the real criminals in the US.…
Legalizing marijuana in the United States can promote utilitarianism for the greater good. Political parties have argued various pros and cons of legalizing marijuana in the United States. I believe that by legalizing marijuana you can actually produce the best results, thus affecting the greatest number of people. Legalizing marijuana would allow the government to control the substance, just as they control tobacco and alcohol. If the government controls the retail market of marijuana use and the distribution it can dictate the negative outcomes that are a direct result from keeping marijuana illegal.…
The current drug laws are doing more harm than good, legalizing marijuana would benefit the country in many ways. It would increase revenue for states. If marijuana were legal, the states would have more money to spend on important problems. Also marijuana has many medical benefits.…
Also, there are health advantages to legitimizing marijuana, as well as monetary open doors too. The sanctioning of marijuana would get an enormous measure of government income. By opening up the pot business to the general population, saddling the item, and applying minor charges to specific parts of the developing process, the United States' benefits stream would reach new statures. For instance, in the condition of California, Marijuana is the prime money crop. It acquires around 14 billion dollars a…
I believe that marijuana should be legalized in the United States because there are so many cancer and aids patients dealing with pain on a daily basis. You will learn about how money would be saved, the tax on marijuana, the decrease on crime, testimonies that I have found, and my prediction on this situation.…
Even though the government can 't regulate everyone growing it, legalizing marijuana will bring in an abundance of revenue to the United States because billions of dollars are spent on seizures of crops as well as the prosecution of offenders.…
Marijuana was first used for medicinal purposes dating back as early as the 1600’s. However, a law was passed in 1930, which banned the substance. Since then we have been fighting a never-ending war on drugs that has estimated to be over a trillion dollar failure, and we have nothing to show for it. There are many different takes on legalizing marijuana nation-wide but some states are not convinced yet. There are two main views on legalizing cannabis. One is the government view, which believes if marijuana was taxed like alcohol and tobacco it could yield close to 50 billion in tax revenue annually. Along with this, legalizing the drug would save the U.S. about $41 billion a year in enforcing the drug laws, and using that for education and health. The other view would be the medicinal use side of it. Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. The government should legalize marijuana for recreational and medical use because it will create tax revenue, help patients, and we will be done fighting an everlasting war.…
Marijuana, if legalized, could bring in substantial tax revenue for state and federal governments, a blessing in today’s economically charged climate.…
One of the most controversial debates in our time has been the legalization of marijuana. Legalizing marijuana in the United States can promote utilitarianism for the greater good. Political parties have argued various pros and cons of legalizing marijuana in the United States. I believe that by legalizing marijuana you can actually produce the best results, thus affecting the greatest number of people. Legalizing marijuana would allow the government to control the substance, just as they control tobacco and alcohol. If the government controls the retail market of marijuana use and the distribution it can dictate the negative outcomes that are a direct result from keeping marijuana illegal. Legalizing marijuana has many benefits; however there are four of them that can dramatically affect our country for the better. They are as follows; increased tax and private market economic growth, reduced crime, medical advancements, and safer drug use. These four categories can improve the lives of our citizens for the greater good.…
In the United States of America, marijuana is a Schedule 1 controlled substance; but 17 states and Washington D.C. have legalized medical marijuana. Even though marijuana is legal within those states, it is still a federal offense which is punishable by incarceration and fines. There are many sick people who benefit from using medical marijuana. Medical marijuana helps cancer patients, slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and treats glaucoma among other things. Medical marijuana advocates hope the government change their views on marijuana and make marijuana legal. There are many benefits for local, state and the federal government if marijuana was to be made legal. Benefits that come from legalizing marijuana are; health benefits, job benefits, economic benefits, and it also save tax payers money on court cost for prosecuting offenders. Another benefit from legalizing marijuana is it would decrease the jail population, and growing hemp would be legal if marijuana was made legal.…
There have been numerous studies done on the benefits of the legalization of marijuana in America. Many benefits have been discovered from this research. Legalizing marijuana in America could improve the economy in many ways. It would put an end to the trafficking of this drug and the money law enforcement spends trying to control it. If the government cultivated its own marijuana farms it would improve the quality and safety of the drug itself, increasing health benefits among users. The taxation of marijuana would also help with the downward spiral of the economy in America.…
The cost of the prohibition is much more than most people think. A 2005 analysis by Harvard visiting professor Jeffrey Miron estimates that if the United States legalized marijuana, the country would save $7.7 billion in law enforcement costs (Beckett). A cost-benefit analysis of the situation indicates that the country could save roughly $42 billion a year by legally regulating and taxing the marijuana industry (Beckett). The money could go to much more important things to keep our country safer and greatly…
We all know that marijuana is highly expensive. The United States is paying for the people who fight in the war to get drugs that makes prices high. Also the process of presenting drug dealers so now they have to pay for food, housing, health care, attorney fees, and court costs just to have these people behind bars. Just think about how much money the government could save if marijuana was legal. We would have a lot more money to spend on important things such as lowering tax rates, gas prices, an a lot of these homes that’s becoming abandoned and fixing things such as pot holes, roads if it was legal. On the other hand people who think it should be legalized because it would lower the theft rate. It also could be used to help cancer patients even reduce deaths, gangs, shooting, and a lot of violence on the street. Police officers, the courts would be available for more serious crimes such as murders, rapists. More jobs would be open because people wouldn’t have to take a drug test to work so it would…