J. Cvetanovska, V. Sesov, I. Gjorgiev & K. Edip
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology-Skopje, Macedonia
SUMMARY: Presented in this paper are the investigations related to the local site conditions in the seismic assessment of two historical structures in Macedonia: the church of The Holy Mother of God Peribleptos, from the 13th century, located in the old town of Ohrid and the Mustafa Pasha mosque in Skopje, from the 15th century. The objective of the described procedure is to take into consideration the regional and microlocation geological and seismological parameters in order to define the input seismic parameters for dynamic analysis of the historical structures. The obtained results point out the significance of involving local site conditions into the seismic assessment and retrofit of historical structures in general. The procedure has been applied on many buildings of historical importance which require strengthening and rehabilitation with great success and efficiency. Keywords: Local soil condition, seismic site response, historical monuments
1. INTRODUCTION Located in the Central Balkan region, the Republic of Macedonia is characterized by a significant cultural and historical heritage, which has experienced many earthquakes during its life time, causing a lot of damages. Historical monuments either collapsed or retained their stability with damages. In this context, it is very important to assess the seismic resistance of the historical monuments in order to retain their existence as future cultural heritage. A comprehensive methodology for seismic risk assessment of historical masonry buildings has been developed and used in Institute for Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology - IZIIS for over 40 years (Sendova and Gavrilovic, 2010). The procedure involves field, laboratory and numerical
References: Berilgen M. M. (2007) Evaluation of Local Site Effects on Earthquake Damages of Fatih Mosque. Engineering Geology 91. 240–253 V. Shendova, V. and Gavrilovic, P. (2010). New Materials and Techniques in Retrofitting Historical Buildings and Monuments. 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering. August 30 – September 03,2010. Paper No.1873 Sesov, V. et al. (2007) Definition of Seismic Input Parameters for Evaluation of the Seismic Stability of Mustafa Pasha Mosque (in Macedonian) . IZIIS Report 2007047 Sesov, V. et al. (2011) Analysis of Stability of Existing St. Mary Peribleptos Church Structure in Ohrid under Gravity and Seismic Effects – VOLUME 2 – Assessment of Seismic Potential of the St. Mary Peribleptos Church Site in Ohrid. IZIIS Report 2011/36 Sesov, V., Dojcinovski, D., Edip, K. and Cvetanovska, J. (2012) Evaluation of the Site Seismic Potential for Performance Based Design. Second International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. May 28-30, 2012 - Taormina Iitaly. Paper No.1.02 EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance Gustavo Ordonez (2011) SHAKE2000 User’s Manual