Over the last one decade along with this running decade MDG has gained enormous success in developing goals on a global scale. As an efficient financial mechanism, MDG enables various governmental and non-governmental actors to realise the millennium development goals (MDGs). Based on our recent field-research on Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh, this paper empirically examines and analyze the role of MDGs in promoting livelihoods in the country. The study reflects on recent arguments on behalf of MDG and shows that despite some criticisms, MDG is making significant contribution in uplifting the livelihoods of Bangladesh.
Key words: MDG, Poverty, Health, Education, Bangladesh
A. Introduction
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) represent a global commitment to tackle poverty, hunger, disease, education, inequality and environmental degradation. Since their launch in 2000 the MDGs have been a useful tool for international development and to reach the targets by 2015 is no mean achievement
In September 2000, member states of the United Nations (UN) gathered at the Millennium Summit to affirm commitments towards reducing poverty and the worst forms of human deprivation. The Summit adopted the UN Millennium Declaration which embodies specific targets and milestones in eliminating extreme poverty worldwide.
To help track progress in the attainment of the 8 goals and 18 targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) over the period 1990 to 2015, experts from the United Nations Secretariat and International Monetary Fund (IMF), Overseas Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank identified and selected a set of time-bound and measurable indicators. Data series on the 48 MDG indicators are compiled to provide the basis for the preparation of progress reports by member states of the United Nations (UN) on
References: Begum and M. Salimullah 2004, Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment: Bangladesh Country Study, Working Draft, 17 January 2004, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka. http://www.undp.org.bt/Millenium%20Development%20Report%20PDF%20files/ MDGR%20complete.pdf SEHD, 1998, Bangladesh Environment: Facing the 21st Century, SEHD, Dhaka, 1998. PMED 2000, EFA Bangladesh Country Report 2000. World Bank 1999, Towards an Urban Strategy for Bangladesh Infrastructure Sector Unit, South Asia Region, World Bank, September 1999. Geoff Woods and Sarah Salway 2000, Urban Livelihoods Study, Policy Arena: Urban Livelihoods, ed by. In Journal of International Development, 2000, vol 12, no 5. UNDP 2003, National Gender Profile, Bangladesh, 2003. Overall web page: http://www.undp.org/mdg/countryreports.html www.google.com www.wikiepedia.com