perspective and are taken in its natural flow, the world will then function as it should. There is no action that is required other than allowing the destiny of things to take effect.
Although we can change our destiny, the world will not bend nor conform to what human beings or society tries to make out of it, but if disrupted the evils of the world erupt. Afflictions are then created in a world where it should have otherwise never existed. I believe that there is a destiny within all things, but with a decision that destiny can change. It is like a road with two paths, whichever one you decide will determine your fate but there is also the risk of desire. One person's desire can ultimately cost them the path to their true destiny. Not everything is in black and white, colors are able to take fold and change just as we are embodied with individuality. Just because you plant a seed, it does not mean it will grow a beautiful fruit bearing tree. We are all beautiful in our distinction yet an ugly presence can always peer through and disrupt the natural flow of things and formulate new sensations.