(1.1) the needs, motives and personality of consumers……………………………………4
(1.2):Snack Food Personality Traits……………………………………………………......5 (1.3) explaining how personality and motivation in the ads effect consumer behavior.
Table (1.4): the Personality-like Associations of Colors……………………………… 6
(2.1) Consumer Personality as illustrated in HSBC Print ads…………………………..7
(2.2) Motivations as the consumer “drive” illustrated in HSBC Print ads……………..8
table of references…………………………………………………………………………11
Motivation refer to the process that lead people to behave as they do. It occurs when a need is aroused, that the consumer wishes to satisfy. Once a need has been activated a state of tension exists that drives the consumer to attempt to reduce or eliminate the need, the degree of arousal is called a drive. A basic need can be satisfied in any number of ways, in the specific path a person chooses influenced both by his unique set of experience and by the values instilled by the culture in which the person has been raised. This personal and cultural factors combines to create a need by (Solomon, 2006).
Personality a consistent respond to the word of stimuli surrounding the individual by Kassarjian and Sheffet (1991).
Consumer behavior: has two disciplines, one can be categorized by the degree to which their focus is micro (the individual consumer); and the second macro the consumer as a member of groups or of the large society by (Solomon, 2006).
In today’s information-oriented society, organization and people -whose consumption process constitute a big part of their life- want to know more about the consumer market. Here the advertising play an important role because it 's the linkage between organization and people.
This paper, first of all will explain about the needs, motives and personality of
References: (1) Solomom, R. (2006) Consumer behavior, seventh edition, England, Pearson. (2) Arnould, E., l. Price, and G. Zinkhan.(2004). Consumers. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (3) Benady, D. (June 2004). “It’s time toget personal.” Marketing Week (4) HSBC Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2003. (8) Sheth, J., B. Mittal, and B. Newman. (1999). Consumer Behavior and Beyond. NY: Harcourt Brace. (9)Kassarjian and Sheffet (1991) consumer personality, Seven edition, England, Pearson.