My biggest obstacle in life was when my mom and dad divorce. I was eight years old at the time entering second grade when it happened. At the time my mom was not paying as much attention to me, because my older brother was about to enter middle school; And my younger brother was about to enter elementary. I was not cared for as much from my mom because they were making a drastic change in their education while i was just moving up a grade level. My dad not being their …show more content…
I eventually made it to middle school and the routine did not stop their. It was the same one but with a little more trouble, this time it was fist fights all over the place. Instead of them calling my parents they put me in a room called iss (In school suspension). I still did not learn i continued like that my entire sixth grade year. Seventh grade year was my turning year, it did not happen right away it took a whole semester. The reason it took a semester is because basketball starts the second semester. I had never played basketball in my entire life, till my coach thought it would get me out of trouble he introduced into the sport of basketball. I was not a jock i was a bad kid i could never see myself doing sports. I enjoyed basketball when my coach introduced it to me because i was actually okay at it to start with it. Every day i would run to school at five because my mom was always too busy taking my brothers to their practices and she keeped saying that if she took me she would not make it to drop off my brothers, so i would not be able to attend my practice because of that. I really cared about this because the sport would give