The categories in the Current Procedural Terminology code set is Category I codes, which is where the most common set of codes are in the main body of CPT, with five digits and no decimals (Valerius et al, 2012). To help one better understand this section of the CPT is to remember that Category I is this most used in healthcare facilities to describe a procedure or service. Furthermore, the procedures or services covered in Category I are in and out patient office visits, which is used for evaluation and management of a new patient(Valerius et al, 2012). Also procedures done with anesthesia on the upper posterior abdominal wall, as well as the removal of indwelling tunneled pleural catheter with cuff; radiologic examination, ACTH stimulation, and Intravenous infusion (Valerius et al, 2012). For example, a 30- year-old woman came into the office for an initial inpatient consultation (99251), which can be found under the Evaluation and Management section of the CPT manual codes 99201-99499(Valerius et al, 2012). Remembering that these codes have no letters in them, and they contain five numbers can be helpful with distinguishing the difference between the other categories.…
In the early 20th century there were a variety of changes throughout American society. These changes were brought about by the election of the Republican Party and the conservative policies that they implemented throughout the 1920’s. Changes and reforms occurred throughout society but mainly in the areas of, prohibition and crime, immigration restrictions, religious fundamentalism, racial conflict, anti communism and anti unionism. The changes in these areas moved American society towards “normalcy” and conservatism, it was also a period of allusion, conflict and corruption.…
With the rise of immigration, industrial growth, and the widespread urban expansion, the United States had drastically during the last quarter of the 19th century. However, by the 20th century, a wide range of groups and individuals with a common desire to improve life in the gilded age sought reform. This era became to be known as the progressive era which was a reaction to excess of industrialization. During the progressive era people of the United States wanted to make moderate political change and social improvement through government actions. Although the Progressive movement did occur in the late 1800s, it wasn’t however, until Theodore Roosevelt became president when progressivism gained momentum.…
The explosive industrial growth took place in the last quarter of the 19th century by progressives who flourished with great cities. Businesses’ highly developed reaching oversees, commerce and influence of major establishments. Unfortunately, not all of the citizens shared the wealth, reputation and favorable outcomes. Additionally, these overwhelming set of forces triggered economic and social issues in America. Therefore in response to this political incorporate abuses and corruption, the progressive moment was created.…
In the early 20th century, America was trying to cure many of the wrongs that society had created in the industrial age during the 19th century. At first the progressive movement began at the local level with changes being brought upon the expansion of high school and suppressing the red light district. The movement gradually moved onto the state and eventually the national level. The Progressive Era reformers and the government were fairly successful in bring about reform at the national level. However, they’re clear successes and limitations; economically, pertaining to trusts and monopolies, socially, concerning the meat inspection and civil rights, and politically, with more direct democracy.…
At the end of the nineteenth century the United States seemed to be racing forward in many areas, such as technological advancement, more efficient manufacturing, modernizing transportation, and of course, making money. America was, on the surface, improving greatly; underneath however, there were many problems including corrupt businesses and a growing lower class stricken by poverty. In 1900 to 1920 the Progressive Reform Movement swept the nation; progressive reformers rallied for equal treatment and better working conditions; the federal government adopted regulations that attempted to satisfy the wishes of the reformer; both groups had successes and limitations that ultimately led to an overall beneficial effect on the nation.…
A Critical Summary Analysis of “Reframing Prostitution as work” by Deborah Brock and “Prostitution in Vancouver: Pimping women and the colonization of First Nations” by Melissa Farley and Jacqueline Lynn…
There have been significant political, economic and international changes that have taken place in America in the year 1900 through 1930. Changes are inevitable, and they must just happen, ether prepared to handle or not (Coolidge et al. 2). The most significant matter is only but bearing with and moving on with current situation. Typically, this essay will see through the definition of terms, processes under which the changes occurred, challenges and the impacts of this revolution. Political progression was experienced, and this saw many changes come into the place.…
When you hear the word prostitution what kind of image pops up in your mind? Is it a malnourished drug addicted woman? A woman possibly controlled by a pimp? When you hear prostitution, do you think of someone forced against their will? I wanted to know what you all thought before I told you the definition. Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations for money; the unworthy or corrupt use of one’s talents for the sake of personal or financial gain; the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for money (Legal Dictionary). I’m not related to any prostitutes, and I am not a prostitute, but I have done much research on the topic and watched a documentary on the subject. I feel that…
How successful were progressive reforms during the period 1890-1915 with respect to TWO of the following? Industrial conditions; urban life; politics.The late 19th century and early 20th century were marked by a period of reforms known as Progressivism. During this time, leaders of Progressive reforms aimed to improve American lives by instigating changes that would influence politics and urban lifestyles. Progressivism generally helped improve the everyday life and reduced corruption within the nation’s…
The first half of the twentieth century involved drastic changes in the role of government concerning the cultivation of virtue in its citizens and the economy, as well as in the strength and size of the executive branch and government as a whole. The Progressive and New Deal programs provided a structure for the reformers to implement these changes.…
Over the last few years prostitution has continued to rise in Rhode Island. The reason behind this is the increase in sex trafficking. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security reports hundreds of people being trafficked through Rhode Island every year. This is a big issue especially since the average age of sex trafficking victims in the state of Rhode Island ranges between fourteen and fifteen. These young females are being manipulated by people that they trust into a life of prostitution. Websites like are also participants in the sex trafficking scandal. Instead of having your sex worker on the corner you can post them on the internet to attract customers. This is the modern way of sex trafficking. Police are doing there the…
This step is completely the right step in America. When the minority’s “moral” values are jeopardized by the betterment of the non-partisan country, then what is there to lose? Millions of women every year are trafficked and sold into sex slavery. Daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers have all been stolen from their lives and forced into almost inevitable death. Legalizing prostitution diminishes the market for sex slaves, helping with this problem immensely. Furthermore, instances of rape in Rhode Island decreased when prostitution was legalized. Instead of spending millions of dollars on the enforcement of this needless law, the government could do so much more important things! It would also be able to tax this institution to garner revenue…
The period between 1900 and 1918 was known as the progressive era in the American history. It was during this brief time that America was completing its quick change from an agrarian to an urban society. For most Americans of this generation, early 20th-century America was the start to a relationship between a democratic government and its masses. This had a very positive impact on them. The progressives as they called themselves worked for a revival in the working conditions in factories and argued for better living conditions in the labor class. This era brought about great economic progress, which has transcended the country into an economic super power today. Industrialization in America was liberalized and distinct industries from distinctive sectors thrived. This was in addition to the already existing businesses prior to this period. The skilled labor was provided by the mass immigrants from the European countries. During this time, the major…
Anti-prostitution law will imperil prostitutes and in most scenarios makes thing very difficult for them. In countries like Canada and Nevada, prostitution is not considered a crime. Nevertheless, communication and some other activities related to prostitution like human trafficking has been prohibited. Prostitutes who are Street based are the most visible and receive the most attention. This represents only a small section of the sex industry, which also incorporates brothels and escort services. Capturing to arrest and punish prostitutes mirrors our overall population's hesitation concerning sexual activities and male desire and sexual freedom. (Boels, 2015).…