In victorian britain punishments were very important but yet very cruel at the same time. Punishment is not something you would want to come acrossed because is you did something really terrible then (you would get hanged or sent off to another prison.)The punishment would be much worse than it was at their original prison. …show more content…
Some of the crimes people committed, they might of needed to get a harsh punishment. some of the things people did was not worthy to be hung, they may even get hanged for (a petty crime like stealing a piece of fabric) which is not ok but an unnecessary punishment. people started to take notice. Of course they can't do anything about it but just stay out of prison.
conditions in the prisons were very veg, not much to eat, nowhere to sleep, and very little space. The prisons in the victorian era was not convenient for anyone, sometimes even for the workers. The prisoners got very little to eat. They only got two to three meals a week and when they did eat it was very little. Bread, sometimes a potato, very little beef, and if lucky they would get a