The CMO function is to make sure that CO’s information is valid which is passed from the field. The CMO is tasked with analyzing the information and weeding out any fabrications before that information is presented to policy holders. The CIA model of this process works because the CMO has the ability to look at
a CO’s work with unbais eyes and see if there are any inconsistencies with the work that the CO is passing or with the agent that the CO’s is gathering intelligence from. The model also works with other functions within the CIA.
The security elements fall under the DSM while the CO’s fall under the NCS. The security elements may protect CO’s in the field of operations and even though the CO is in charge of the operation that is being conducted, security elements do have the ability to abort an operation if they feel an operation is too dangerous to conduct and the information being gained from the operation is not worth the risk. This is the CIA’s way of conducting checks and balances and keeping everyone safe.