Introduction IS (Information System) are the foundation for conducting business today. In many industries, survival and even existence without extensive use of IT (Information Technology) is inconceivable, and IT plays a critical role in increasing productivity. Although information technology has become more of a commodity, when coupled with complementary changes in organization and management, it can provide the foundation for new products, services, and ways of conducting business that provide firms with a strategic advantage. Nowadays, many businesses that had been established long before the birth of IT have come to the position where they require accepting the fact that IS are inevitably advantageous to increase productivity. In some, applying IS is critical and it must be well planned. In this study, we have encountered the same problem. Due to inappropriate planning problems have arise in which lack of IT skills and knowledge is not been anticipated.
Background of the Case In the early 1900s, economic development in the Midsouth area was highly dependent on transportation systems thus a group of powerful businesspeople formed the MSCC (MidSouth Chamber of Commerce) to lobby the legislature on the issue of transportation access that is dealt with this single issue until the 1930s, when its charter was changed to include a broader range of issues affecting the business community. By early 2000s, the MSCC was considered the most powerful business advocacy organization in the Midsouth area and one of the most innovative chambers of commerce in terms of its approaches and techniques in dealing with problems facing the business community. Through early 2004, Ed Wilson Vice President of Public affairs with the MSCC continued to manage the computer systems and, with the help of Simon Kovecki, System Analyst hired by Wilson himself, they upgraded the hardware in the workstations. With Kovecki’s