
The Role Of Tragedy In Rostand's Play Cyrano

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In Rostand’s play, Cyrano experiences many tragedies, but seems to have a positive view on them. In other words, Rostand’s play may be more of a tragedy, but it's witty and heroic character seems to make it seem like a heroic comedy. Cyrano may not be in a better situation at the end, and he may not have gotten exactly what he wanted, but by focusing on Cyrano’s point of view, Rostand was able to make his harrowing film seem less disappointing. Even though the idea of a comedic story usually involves a main character who triumphs over evil and wins the day, not all stories that are considered comedies follow this trend. Sometimes, a tale may be seen as a tragedy, but the actions and personality of the characters in it are what makes it a comedy.

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