Winston Smith is our main character and the easiest character to relate to. He is also the character with the most progression and changes. Julia is Winston’s lover and companion that he hated before he knew her and then later loves. O’Brien lies and says he is a member of the Brotherhood, an underground organization that is against the Party or government, when in reality he is a member of the thought police. Big Brother is the leader of The Party and Emmanuel Goldstein used to be an ally of Big Brother but now leads the Brotherhood against the party.
The first big event that happened was when Winston started writing his diary. He knew the …show more content…
Winston believes that Julia is a member of the thought police, an organization that makes sure you are acting and thinking along The Party's guidelines. Winston despises Julia but secretly has a crush on her at the same time. One day Winston was leaving the same store he bought the diary from, Julia is walking outside and suddenly trips and falls on her sprained wrist. Winston helps Julia get up and she secretly gives him a note saying “ I love you.” He later on meets her at a hide out in the country and they discuss their hatred for The Party.
Winston and Julia's relationship is getting serious and they decide to go to O’Brien’s house to talk about their disloyalty to the government. O’Brien tells them about a group formed by Emmanuel Goldstein to tear down The Party. Julia and Winston join the brotherhood and O’Brien makes plans to give them each “the book.” A book written by Emmanuel Goldstein about the philosophy and ethics of the