While many in the atheist and the twentieth century, education and K-12 have not been developed, atheist and generally accepted programs of the twentieth century is the goal, I think, is clear - teaching our children in learning methods. While it can be said in many ways, the basic thrust is away from the "old" "Education means" teachers (or speech, or conferences, or be the "sage on the stage") to the "new" Education Teaching kids lines master driving (a combination of "student-centered …show more content…
Each professor and director at the time, somewhere in the communication between the old and new models. We have a difficult task in the transfer of all of them, all over the world, a new program as soon as possible.
Our goal with this report (while some may disagree, and became acceptable on a large scale and on a large scale) and we can now proceed to determine the role of technology:
In other words, the role of technology - and the only role - must be to support the training of students (with, of course, teachers and guidance.)
Technology is not, and can not, old stories and support training / conference room, except for the simplest of ways, as is the case with images or video clips. "He says," actually said if teachers with the old man, he added model, and technology, more often than not, is in the middle.
New tools for students, and one of the reasons is that the education of students learning did not take the usual approach - even if it was called by many, especially because Dewey and perhaps because Socrates - that the tools available to students not only not good enough to use. Until recently, the education of the children themselves were textbooks, encyclopedia (if they have one) and the library (when that happens, and if they are any good) and some of the questions for the teacher overworked in general. I worked for a number of outstanding students, but not for the most …show more content…
We need our teachers - it's hard to be able to, in some cases - to stop the lesson and start teaching children alone. Instead of going out lesson plans that begin with "Here are three reasons [that] you can take notes," to say. "There are three main reasons [here] you have 15 minutes to use your technology to find them, then we will see what has been found."
If we agree that the role of technology in our classrooms and children are the "new" learning to support the education and guidance of the teacher, then we can make all the speed transmission on the road to achieve this goal. But if everyone continues to talk about the role of technology in a different way, and we will need more time.
This is part of a broader effort and I hope other educational theorists to become part of our language in education technology, so that we can all work towards the same goals, and require the same things our teachers and students. These are not my words are not necessarily incorrect or the best of them, but if we want the changes we want to do in a reasonable period of time is an important element that we all speak the same