While one mountain was doing one thing, The Alps helped to seal off the peninsula from the rest of Europe during the winter, which protected Rome from outside invasions by forcing attackers to move slowly through its very narrow passes. Mainly giving the Romans time to respond and act before the invaders/enemies even saw it coming. Volcanic soil(which are solids that have very rich nutrients and hold water because of their volcanic ash content), make the Po and Tiber river valleys perfect for cultivation and for the citizens to get resources helps to start the civilization. Rome attracted new people during its rise to power due to its geography and its wonderful location it had so much agricultural potential. Which helps to explain the large population and diverse population that Rome has acquired. The Roman population grew quickly, with the help of the extra production of grains, olives and other crops that they received from ports that came from the trade of neighbors. And the big population had helped Rome's military expansion/success by allowing Rome to have a large number of
While one mountain was doing one thing, The Alps helped to seal off the peninsula from the rest of Europe during the winter, which protected Rome from outside invasions by forcing attackers to move slowly through its very narrow passes. Mainly giving the Romans time to respond and act before the invaders/enemies even saw it coming. Volcanic soil(which are solids that have very rich nutrients and hold water because of their volcanic ash content), make the Po and Tiber river valleys perfect for cultivation and for the citizens to get resources helps to start the civilization. Rome attracted new people during its rise to power due to its geography and its wonderful location it had so much agricultural potential. Which helps to explain the large population and diverse population that Rome has acquired. The Roman population grew quickly, with the help of the extra production of grains, olives and other crops that they received from ports that came from the trade of neighbors. And the big population had helped Rome's military expansion/success by allowing Rome to have a large number of