
The Roots of Affirmative Action

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The Roots of Affirmative Action
The roots of Affirmative Action can be traced back to the passage of

the Civil Rights Act where legislation redefined public and private behavior.

The act states that to discriminate in private is legal, but anything

regarding business or public discrimination is illegal. There are two

instances when opposing affirmative action might seem the wrong thing to do.

The nobility of the cause that help others. Affirmative Action was a great

starter for equality in the work place. The most promanite variable in

deciding Affirmative Action as right or wrong, is whether or not society is

going to treat people as groups or individuals. Affirmative Action is a

question of morals. The simplicity to form two morals that are both correct

but conflicting is the reason for the division of our nation on Affirmative


Affirmative Action is very noble when looking at who benefits from the

outcome. Let us take a closer look at Affirmative Action. The people that

are involved and the damage it takes on our society arouses many doubts.

Taking a closer look also stirs up a question of nobility that needs to be

answered before making a decision on Affirmative Action. Does Affirmative

Action simply change who is discriminated against and makes it legal for the

new discriminators? Coming from my point of view, the view of a white male,

this is a serious question. The job reviews of supervisors and others

involved in hiring should address race and sex. Each review should have a

hiring goal of at least half of our new employees being women and at least

half non-white. Lets put this strategy to work. We have ten positions to

fill, these positions can be filled following the above guidelines by hiring

five black women. It can also be met by hiring five white women and five

non-white men. Obviously to successfully meet this goal would mean to not

hire a white male. People strongly disagree with their white forefathers and

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