Life per Benedict’s Rules is embedded with five qualities that confront the conventional wisdom of the current culture. These five qualities include ordinariness, commitment, self-denial, simplicity, and silence (Taylor). Benedictine way of life encompasses a …show more content…
Life according to Benedict’s Rules is essentially social. Each one of us live in a community of people where we form various types of relationship. Benedictine way of life requires our commitment to these relationships because he recognized that no matter where we are, we will always encounter problems with one another. So, rather than running away, Benedict’s Rule compel us to work it out through our commitment with one another. This is incredibly contradicting to today’s conventional wisdom of “If you don’t like it, leave” that resulted in divorce rate soaring at fifty percent (Taylor). This commitment extends as far as to complete strangers. In accordance to Benedict’s Rules, strangers are to receive and honor as Christ, which contrast the current culture of every man for themselves. Benedictine way of life offer us an opportunity to achieve a stable communal life that is the truth of our