warthogs have adapted there hearing so that they can hear better, have ears on the side of their heads so that they can see if a predator is coming, good hearing so they can hear anything coming and have very thin hair so that they can loose body heat quicker as they live in the African Plains.
Camels have adapted to the environment by having long legs which keep it off the hot sand to help keep cool. It also has a hump for storing food and lots of hair on its back to protect it from the strong sun.
The elephant’s trunk helps it to reach for food, to bathe themselves, and to drink. Their trunks use them to dig, fight, and scratch each other and their large feet give them good stability and keep them from sinking into the ground.
The Sahel Location: The Sahel is a semiarid zone bordering the southern margins of the Sahara Desert in Africa. It extends between 13 and 18 degrees north and stretches across the width of the African continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea an area of about 5million square Kilometres.
The Sahel has a climate that is a transition between the tropical continental and hot dessert. It has a hot dry climate with a wet season. The wet season varies in length depending upon the location within the Sahel region. The wet season is confined to one or two months but the total rainfall may come in several downpours. Some years the rain fails to show with many countries suffering from drought.
The cacti has a small surface area to minimise evaporation and spines instead of leaves. It has a stem that can store water and a widespread root system to find nutrients and anchor the plant to the ground.
The mesquite bushes are positioned away from each other in order allow each bush to collect the most amount of water. They also have long roots so they can reach the water table.
The date palm trees have developed small leaves in order to reduce water loss through