The PCAOB is responsible for tightening accounting standards and disciplinary actions. The board conducts investigations and levies fines against any company found in noncompliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Passage of any law or act will have some negative side-effects. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has affected Corporate Executive Officers (CEO's), and the Board of Directors (BOD), of all publicly held companies. The CEOs and BOD's have to "focus so intently on legislative issues that they have been distracted from fully focusing efforts on their business' primary operations and creating shareholder value". Another adverse effect is the amount of money companies are spending in order to comply with SOX. The SOX requirements has meant an increase in outsider auditing fees companies must pay in order to stay compliant with the new regulations. In essence SOX is decreasing shareholder value when it was actually meant to increase shareholder value. There is a possibility the legislation could result in companies moving operations to other countries with less stringent rules.
Enacting SOX was a result of unethical behavior by executives at some of the larger publicly held companies. Unfortunately, other companies that act ethically have also had to pay the price. Hopefully the legislation will discourage unethical behavior and maybe someday the legislation can be changed so it does not disrupt the free enterprise system within the United States.