Earlier this month, My Fox Boston reported that the ASSC does not actually promote devil worship for children. The Satanic Temple says they will only give students literature lessons, science lessons, art projects, and a healthy snack. This is their way of promoting separation of church and state in public schools.
The Satanic Temple has recently launched After School Satan Clubs in several elementary schools nationwide to counter existing clubs such as the Good News Club. Weber encourages parents and school officials
not fall for the ASSCs and let them operate, saying these groups aim not to worship Satan but to shut down schools’ limited public forum, The Christian Post relays.
“These atheist and humanist activists simply don't like the fact that children could be exposed to the message of Christianity, and appear to want to pick a fight with Christians,” said Weber in a blog on the FRC website. “They say they want religion totally eliminated from schools, and the group's homepage prominently displays: ‘DONATE TO HELP US COUNTER EVANGELISM IN SCHOOLS.’ Their main purpose appears to be to try to shut down Christian clubs in schools.”
Weber also pointed out that the Satanic group’s website clearly says their goal is to put an ASSC in each school where there is a Good News Club or other religious groups. The Satanic Temple previously successfully closed down a forum which served as an avenue for a Florida-based Christian group’s Bible distribution at Orange Country schools.
The Satanic Temple threatened to distribute Satanic coloring books to the students. The move prompted the Orange County school board to ban distribution of outside religious materials in schools altogether. This situation is what Weber fears that the group is aiming for.
Instead of trying to prevent these clubs from taking root in schools, Weber suggests embracing the opportunity to let children understand their right to form their own after school Christian club. He also says these clubs give them an opportunity to begin discussing spiritual topics with ASSC members.