Yanomamo a tribe of American Indians are labeled as the ‘fierce people’. They are one of the most aggressive, warlike, male-oriented people in the world. Yanomamo male is usually covered with wounds and scars due to quarrels, duels and military raids. Women are also covered with scars and bruises as a result of violent encounters with seducers, rapists and husbands. Yanomamo is a hot-tempered, drug-taking, warrior-husband. Kind husbands merely hurt and mutilate, the fierce one wound and even kill them.
Women are expected to serve promptly and respond without protest. Unproved violence against women helps to prove that they are capable of deadly assault, he ‘image’, is prominent if he publicly beats his wife with a club. Women are used as scapegoat to vent their anger. A brother of a runaway sister struck her with because their (he and her husband’s) relationship was disturbed.
The male supremacy is also the exercise of the use of hallucinogenic drugs which helps them to ignore extremes of pain and overcome fear during duels and raids. Yanomamo are victimized from childhood, she gets punished if she retaliates her little brother who hits her.
Marriage is like, men are exchangers and women the exchanged, marriage is “dragging something away,” divorce as “throwing something away.” Yanomamo women expect to be manhandled by their husbands. They find it difficult to imagine a world in which husbands would be less brutal.
Male chauvinist is expressed in duels. The scars made by the duels are souvenirs which they are proud of. They shave their heads and rub red colour so that each scar stand out clearly. War is a favourite lifestyle of the Yanomamos. Even the best of allies behave in a fierce and aggressive manner.
A friendly feast is unpredictable until the last guest leaves. Extreme act of bravery, a warrior may slip into the enemy village and kill somebody who is sleeping in a hammock.
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