In Little Bee, by Chris Cleave the main character, Little Bee, notices a scar on a girl’s legs. She wondering if the scars covered her whole body, and said that it would be pretty. Little Bee stats that a scar is never ugly, but others might not see it that we. She says that we must see every scars as beautiful. A scar means that that you survived, because a scar doesn’t form on the dying. Most people have a scar, and sometimes people will ask you know you got this scar. Some are embarrassed of their scars and want to try to hide them. The fact is that there is nothing you can do to change it. Beauty goes deeper than the skin, as it is internal and external. I see scars similar to Little Bee, a scar means that you are stronger …show more content…
that what tried to harm you. Every scar has a story, and each one is unique. The scar between my eye and eyebrow means that I survived.
I am very fortunate that I walked away with just a scar. I got the scar from a rock hitting hitting me, just missing my right eye. I was able to walk away with not only my eye sight, but a small scar. I know have history written on my body that is unique to me. It all happened on a typical day after school, hanging out with my neighbors. We all had recently got slingshots so we were having fun loading rocks into them and launching rocks at things. I was in third grade, and didn’t have the best common sense. I wasn’t thinking about what could happen and I walked in front of my friends who was shooting rocks at a tree. I was picking up rocks, while trying to not be shot. The next thing I know I got hit by eye, and could not see It all happened so fast, and I quickly put hand on my eye and realized I was bleeding. My friends immediately took me home, and I was so scared I was going to have to get stitches. My mom, who is a nurse, applied pressure to stop the bleeding and applied a butterfly bandage to close the wound. My dad got home a few hours later, and my parents discussed it was for me to go to the hospital and get it sutured. The entire way I cried to the hospital because I didn’t want to get
stitches. When we arrived at the hospital I was alieved that I didn’t have to get stitches. They were able to use a glue adhesive to close the superficial laceration. I was to not pick at the glue, as it would heal and the glue would wall off. Being so young I picked it off, and it created the scar that I know have since I didn’t let it fully heal. I was asked when I was littler about what happened. I was often embarrassed about it and tried to cover it up so others wouldn’t notice it. I was told that I was lucky that it didn’t affect my vision as it was so close to my eye. I had minor swelling around the area, but the only lifelong effect is the small scar. It is easy to relate to Little Bee’s statement that a scar is a sign that you survived. I am very fortunate that I didn’t have any further complications. I now view my scar as a piece of history that will forever be will me. It is something I shouldn’t be embarrassed about, but proud that I know a battle scar. I came to realize that scars are beautiful, and also it signifies that I am stronger than what tried to harm me. Scars are not ugly, as beauty goes deeper that your skin.