The punishment of sin in The Scarlet Letter is shown from Hester’s point of view.
According the Hester, Pearl is the only beneficial element which came from the sin she committed meanwhile Puritans look at Pearl as a reminder for the sin Hester performed. As a result, Hester always feels the pressure of the townspeople by cause of being used as a living sin, although uses the optimistic aspect she has on Pearl to strengthen herself.. ”The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness was found in her, —so much power to do, and power to sympathize, —that many people refused to interpret the scarlet A by its original signification. They said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman's strength.” (Hawthorne 161) This quote shows how through the sin she did, the qualities Hester possesses forces the pressureful letter A to lose the meaning “Adultery” and gain the meaning “Able” in Hester’s