Both pushed themselves to do better and be better, they didn't see themselves as the disability like everyone else did. They saw themselves as a human just like everyone else. In the end both the shirt story and the film had similar endings. In The Scarlet Ibis Doodle was caught in a storm with his brother, frightening he tried to stay right next to him. As the storm worsened his brother started to run, Doodle did his very best to do so but eventually pushed past his disability to the point of eventual death. In the movie Simon Birch, Simon made sure every single one those those kids got out of the bus, leaving him the very last person on. When it was his time to try and exit the bus, it was already almost completely under the water, Simon was unable to grab ahold of his friends hand and the bus sank. After being retrieved out of the water days later Simon too died. Death is inevitable, for these two boys they lived there life to the fullest. They both didn't let their disability limit them, for Doodle, he beat all odds and learned to walk even when he was destined to be die, he proved that if you have enough heart and determination you can do anything. For Simon he can say that God did a a purpose for him, that maybe his God had given him this gift of caring for others and ability to look past his disability which allowed him to do courageous things, like saving the lives of all the
Both pushed themselves to do better and be better, they didn't see themselves as the disability like everyone else did. They saw themselves as a human just like everyone else. In the end both the shirt story and the film had similar endings. In The Scarlet Ibis Doodle was caught in a storm with his brother, frightening he tried to stay right next to him. As the storm worsened his brother started to run, Doodle did his very best to do so but eventually pushed past his disability to the point of eventual death. In the movie Simon Birch, Simon made sure every single one those those kids got out of the bus, leaving him the very last person on. When it was his time to try and exit the bus, it was already almost completely under the water, Simon was unable to grab ahold of his friends hand and the bus sank. After being retrieved out of the water days later Simon too died. Death is inevitable, for these two boys they lived there life to the fullest. They both didn't let their disability limit them, for Doodle, he beat all odds and learned to walk even when he was destined to be die, he proved that if you have enough heart and determination you can do anything. For Simon he can say that God did a a purpose for him, that maybe his God had given him this gift of caring for others and ability to look past his disability which allowed him to do courageous things, like saving the lives of all the