1. Definition of Title Variables
1. Definition of Reading Comprehension Reading comprehension has been defined in many ways over the years. C.Nuttall suggests that the overriding purpose to reading is to get the correct message from a text------the message the writer intended for the reader to receive. R.Day and J.S.Park state that the idea of reading has changed and moved from what was considered a receptive process to what is now an interactive process. Reading can be done using a number of processes that can be divided into two main categories: bottom-up processing and top-down processing. Bottom-up processing refers to the reader obtaining meaning from the letters and words of a text and reconstructing the intended message that way. Top-down processing refers to the readers’ ability to look at a text as a whole and to connect and relate it to his existing knowledge base. Both processes are needed to obtain a message from a text.
2. Definition of Schema Background knowledge------also prior knowledge------is supposed to consist of two main components: “our assimilated direct experiences of life and its manifold activities, and our assimilated verbal experiences and encounters” (J.M.Swales, 1990:25). Schemata are accepted as interlocking mental structures representing readers’ knowledge of ordinary events
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