“The Scholarship Jacket,” by Marta Salinas is a short story about tough decisions and decision-making. The story is set in a small town in Texas. The main character Marta is an eighth grader who is destined to get the scholarship jacket. What is the scholarship jacket you ask! It is the jacket that Marta’s school gives out to the hardest working and highest graded student over his/her eight years. Marta is bound to get the jacket, but on her way to her locker, she hears two teachers arguing over…
In the story the scholarship jacket Marta Salinas the author shows the motifs stand up for yourself,unfair/fair,and courage. In the beginning of the story Martha the main character overhears Mr Schmidt and Mr Boone arguing over if she should get the scholarship jacket or if Joann should get the jacket because her dad is on the school board and owns the only store in town. Martha realizes even though she earned the scholarship jacket through hard work, things will be unjust. The theme develops by…
The scholarship jacket by Marta Salinas, The conflict of the story is when some teachers at Martha’s school want to give the jacket to another girl named Joann because her dad is on the board. But Martha deserves it because she has a straight A average. Sometime in the day the principal calls Martha down to his office and tells her that she has to pay fifteen dollars for if she wants the jacket. Then when Martha gets home she talks to grandpa about it and he said”’I will not pay the fifteen dollars…
Race is not something that anyone has a choice of being. That is who you are Black, White, Hispanic or Asian. In the Voices and Vales, book page 41, “The Scholarship Jacket” by Marta Salinas. She was discriminated against for her race. When a teacher said, “Marta is Mexican”. Then again for her income. When they put a dollar amount due on the jacket that use to be free for having the best grades, so that her family could not afford to pay for it. Racism played a key part in many world wars. There…
The Scholarship Jacket Racism is a well known problem throughout this world. We get judge every day whether its our race, the way we dress, the way we talk, how we do academically, and if were going to succeed in life based on others people way of thinking what success is. The following story that I read is an excellent example of the way people underestimate us just because of our race or where we stand in society. “The Scholarship Jacket” by Marta Salinas is about a young girl wanting to figure…
narratives “The Scholarship Jacket" by Marta Salinas, "The Jacket" by Gary Soto and "Vinnie 's Jacket" by Anna Nussbaum all have a jacket as the central symbol. In each of these works, however, the jacket represents very different things. For Marta Salinas in "The Scholarship Jacket", the jacket symbolizes eight years of hard work and expectation. Throughout the narrator 's life, she had been working hard to achieve academic excellence in hopes of receiving the scholarship jacket. Marta hopes to follow…
characters from both stories, “The Scholarship Jacket” by Marta Salinas and “Zebra” by Chaim Potok are influential to the lives of the protagonists. First, I want to explain how the Grandfather of Marta’s in The Scholarship was so influential and helpful throughout the process of her getting the jacket. When Marta was younger her parents didn’t have enough money to raise 8 children so Marta was sent to live with her grandparents. The small Texas school that Marta attended had a award during the eighth…
I believe that the story “The Scholarship Jacket” is the story that the future 7th graders should read because it tells you to speak up and stand for what is rightfully yours.In the story “The Scholarship Jacket” the Literary element that I chose was the theme. The theme is about standing up for what you believe in and having a voice to say what right. In the theme when the principal asked Martha if she had the 15 dollars to pay for the scholarship jacket but her grandparents wouldn’t pay for it…
strong work ethic. In my opinion, money can buy the illusion of happiness, but the true happiness has no money value. Also, money can also ruin your social relationship between your friends and family. From the story "The Scholarship Jacket", it told a story of a girl, named Marta, who grew up her with her father, who was a farm laborer, but he didn't make enough money to feed eight of his children. So she moved to live with her grandparents But despite having no money, she had a loving family, and…
North Salinas. By visiting the community, interviewing locals who live and work in the community, and developing my own research I had the opportunity to learn interesting facts about the community that I never learned before. Even though I do not live in Salinas I feel like I am part of the community because I have many friends and family who live there. My family has the habit of running errands to Salinas. My family does most of the grocery shopping in groceries stores located in Salinas such as…