what is a drug?- A drug is any chemical you take that affects how your body works. for example Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine are all drugs. A drug must be able to pass from your body into your brain. Once inside your brain, drugs can change the messages your brain cells are sending to each other, and to the rest of your body. They do this by interfering with your brain's own chemical signals: neurotransmitters that transfer signals across synapses. how do they affect you?- there Are many different types of drugs and they all have different effects on your mind and body.
ACID (LSD) - this is a hallucinogenic which makes people see here and experience the world differently they can cause colours to become exaggerated and sounds become distorted. Users may also become panicky and suffer from paranoia. The effects of acid can last 12 hours or more. the long term effects consist of flashbacks, psychosis or paranoia, believing or seeing things that aren’t really there.
CANNABIS – the short term effects of people who smoke cannabis are it can make it difficult to remember things, even if they’ve only just happened. It can cause anxiety attacks or feelings of paranoia and confusion and delusions.
COCAINE – the short term effects of Cocaine is that it makes you feel high, confident and full of energy. But this can turn into feelings of anxiety, panic and paranoia. Users of cocaine can end up feeling tired and depressed.
ECSTASY- Ecstasy is a stimulant with hallucinogenic effects that makes you feel relaxed and high, But people who are already feeling anxious or who take high doses can have bad experiences of paranoia or feeling 'out of it'. Regular use may lead to sleep problems, lack of energy, drastic weight loss, depression or anxiety. People can become psychologically dependent on the feelings of euphoria and calmness that ecstasy gives them.
HERION- Heroin and other opiates slow down the body’s functions