This find out what the six unknown substances are I test each substance by using six different methods. After making my hypothesis, the six methods I used to see if I was correct where color, texture, shape, smell, soluble, and density. My results show that I was correct on three substances and unsure on the other three.
The purpose of this experiment was to find out the identity of six substances by using the steps of the scientific method. This method will show me the changes of each substance so I can have better understanding on the conclusion of my report.
My hypotheses for the six unknown substances are:
1 Coffee
2 Potting Soil
3 Brown Sugar
4 Baby Powder
5 Baking Soda
6 Flour
The materials used for this experiment were:
Distilled water
Paper, clean white sheets
Paper towels
Cylinder, 50 mL - Graduated, Plastic
Test Tube (6), 13 x 100 mm
Magnifier, dual
Rubber stopper
Pencil, marking
Digital scale
The first step in this experiment was to ask a question. My question was what is the identity of the six unknown substances? The second step was to create a hypothesis based on what I already know about each unknown substance. Third step was to test my hypotheses by using six methods. The first method was to determine the color of each substance. The second method I used was to calculate the density of each substance. I did this by first estimating the volume and then weighing each substance with a digital scale. To calculate the density I divided the mass by volume. The third method is to use the magnifying lens and look at the shape of each substance particle. Along with determining the shape I also recorded the texture and smell for each substance. The last step was to text the solubility of each substance. I did this by mixing each substance in 6 different test tubes with 5 ml of distill water. I shook each tube to see if the substance dissolved. After completing all 6 steps