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Biology 110 Laboratory 3 – The Scientific Method Template
Exercise 1
Section 1 Task 1: Observation
Six biological observations made and mentally noted over the last few days on the six lines in the Scientific Method Template.
1. Lobster shells turn red when heated.
2. Birds flock together and migrate south.
3. Most people have several strands of gray hair.
4. The coat of a dog becomes heavier as the weather conditions change.
5. Leaves in a tree behind the house undergoes a change in color.
6. The rain makes leaves to shine.
Section 2 Task 1:
Consider the following observation: During the fall, I noticed that the leaves of trees began to turn their color from green to orange. The likely cause …show more content…
Alternate Hypothesis: Sunlight and shade do not affect the size and color of the leaves
Explanatory hypothesis which involves the sunlight and shade: Sunlight has no effect on the length and width of leaves exposed to the sun compared to leaves in the shade.
Question 3: State three testable predictions, one for each of the three hypotheses.
1. The leaves exposed to sunlight glow and increase in size.
2. The leaves exposed to shade are lifeless and small.
3. For the leaves to grow to the fullest potential, they should be exposed to adequate sunlight.
Question 4. Briefly explain how you can test the predictions:
I would test my predictions by collecting a few similar plants and expose half of them to adequate sunlight and the other half under shade. In addition, I would leave them under sunlight or shade for a week. After a week, I would note down any changes on the leaves (Begna p.1937). Further, I would continuously check them for a week until no further change is observed.
Laboratory Exercise 3 Section 2 Task 1
Table 1: Data Table of Measurements for the Widths and Lengths of Sun and Shade-exposed Leaves:
Sun Leaves Sun Leaves Shade Leaves Shade …show more content…
Briefly explain what data would lead you to either support or refute your prediction with a few sentences for each prediction:
a. There will be no observable differences in length, width, or change in color in the grass species exposed to both sunlight and shade.
b. An increase in length, width and brightness of color in the grass grown under sunlight opposed to the one grown under shade.
c. A consistent increase in length and width of the grass under sunlight compared to the grass in the shade. In addition, grass grown under sunlight is expected to glow (bright color).
Work Cited
Begna S., et al. "Decoupling of light intensity effects on the growth and development of C3 andC4 weed species through sucrose supplementation." Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 53, 2002, pp. 1935-1940.
Pierson, Elizabeth A., et al. “The Effect of Shading on Photosynthesis, Growth, and Regrowth Following Defoliation for Bromus Tectorum.” Oecologia, vol. 84, no. 4, 1990, pp. 534–543., doi:10.1007/bf00328171.
Siddiqui, Zamia Shaheed, et al. “Physiological Responses of Two Halophytic Grass Species under Drought Stress Environment.” Acta Botanica Croatica, vol. 75, no. 1, Jan. 2016,