Children need attention, affection, and stability. These are necessities that Barry discovered through her teacher in Room 2. I found these necessities in the arms of my grandmother, whether she have been scolding me for misbehaving in Sunday School or gently guiding my hand with hers as we turned the crank on her once white, but then yellowed and faded, apple printed sifter. These were the times that I could count on to be listened to by an adult. These were the times when I began to realize that I could be more than the burden that I felt that I was in my own…
Joey R. Poole presents an intriguing story in “The Hand-Me-Downs.” Simon is a straight shooting kid that follows rules and does not ask many questions. But later in the story, the reader can tell that the violence surrounding Simon erodes his attitude. He begins to stand up to his brother and he begins to understand that he has free will. At the beginning of the story, the reader can tell that Simon is a typical innocent young kid but by the end of the story, the reader is convinced otherwise. Simon changes as the story progresses representing a dynamic character rather than a static character.…
In Coben’s story the narrator is seeing his father as an unpolished, confident and family-oriented man whose whole life is second to that of his families. “He could feign charm and warmth, but there was coldness there. He cared only about his family and he cared with a ferocity that both frightened and exhilarated.” His father was a charming man who people liked and he would have many friends but choose to only keep his family his priority.…
Boyhood showcases physical, cognitive, social, and family development (both normative and non-normative) through the life span. Following a young boy, Mason, and his family through hardship and prosperity, Boyhood brings to life the challenges and opportunities of growing up.…
The book is based on a true story about the author’s life. He used to work with J. Walter Thompson (JWT) - the largest advertising agency in the United States of America - as a successful advertising executive. He devoted most of his life working hard for the agency and sacrificed most of his time with his family to contribute in making the agency successful. He had spent long hours working with his clients instead of being with his family. The author thought of himself as a pillar of his family. He thought that sacrificing his job was worth all the times he had not been there for his family as he desired to provide a good life for his family. In fact, he was so loyal to his job that he was willing to surrender spending Christmas…
In addition to learning about Christopher, I learned about Christopher’s father, Ed Boone, and Christopher’s mother, Judy Boone. To compare and contrast these two important characters; Ed Boone is overly emotional because of what happened between his mother Judy Boone and therefore becomes irritated by small issues in his life, on the other hand Judy Boone is loving but is impatient and is frustrated because she can’t help Ed Boone cope with his emotional issues. Both the characters share a common trait of being overly emotional. The important difference between the characters is the fact that the father has an irritable personality style And the the mother has an self-critical personality style.…
The short story “A & P” by John Updike is a corky and humorous read. The casual, self-venting, adolescent depiction of an absurd event that unfolded in a small town grocery store is a peculiar and yet entertaining read for all audiences. The theme of this story has to do with adolescent stressors, choices and consequences, and standing up for what one believes is right. The way the author uses the point of view of the young adolescent sales clerk to describe the characters and setting in the story is simply genius. The author’s use of similes, metaphors, and imagery describes the setting and characters in a way that reflects the narrator’s stage in life. In doing this, the story flows perfectly with the three themes presented above.…
As a memoir, this is truly unique. It must have taken tremendous effort to write this often painful recollection of your own life. Yet, the exercise of exploring the dynamics of such a dysfunctional family, and the parental unit as a separate entity analyzed by a daughter, had to be a revelation and a healing experience. One merit of the work is the strength of character bred into these children, celebrated and seen in…
Since the dawn of philosophical thought there has been a desire to find truth. Now exactly what truth is depends upon whom you ask. Philosophers have been searching for truth in various forms for at least as far back as Aristotle in the first century B.C. all the way up to Carl Hempel in the 20th century A.D. To Aristotle and Plato truth was reality; To Descartes truth was found in God; To Hempel truth was found in explanation. None of these are accurate and yet all of them point toward the same truth. Reality, as defined by Plato and Aristotle, God, as proved be Descartes and ideal explanation as modeled by Hempel, all allude to the same thing. They point out that mankind is a finite being and that truth is only attainable in infinite understanding, an impossibility of man at our current stage of development.…
In “Seeking”, Emily Yoffe shares with us her thoughts of what she believes is taking over our original basic desires and being replaced with an obsession for a constant need to gather or receive information with disregard to everything else. I can relate to what she is stating because I see it happening everyday around me; people walking around with their faces looking down into their smart phones. Almost everyone I come in contact with has a laptop, Ipad or tablet carrying around with them. You see them in the parks, malls, bookstore tech-ed out and they are all searching... forever searching forever seeking and waiting for the next text, the Yahoo you got mail or that Tweet alerting them that someone cared enough or too little by sending them a message by such an impersonal means of communication.…
About a boy is a novel which follows the lives of two people: Marcus and Will. Marcus is a strange kid who struggles with growing up, he is in need for acceptance outside of his own family, he is searching for his own identity, he is a victim of constant bullying and is suffering with his lack of parental care. Will is the complete opposite to Marcus. He is a 36 year old who is in his own extended childhood, he is searching for his identity not wanting to lose his youth, he ‘prides himself on his cool’ and simply can’t find a way to grow up. It is when these two opposing characters meet that they soon act as catalysts for each other. From their dependence on others they find independence for themselves within one another.…
Raymond was the only child in his family. He was the apple of his parents’ eyes. Born with a silver spoon, he was pampered with whatever he wanted. His parents showered him with all the luxuries he wanted in his life. Raymond’s father was a successful entrepreneur and his mother was a famous socialite. Their heavy responsibilities had given them limited time to spend with Raymond at home. Consequently, he was left alone under the care of domestic helpers and servants. Although, he had all the money in the world, his life was meaningless with no affection, love and attention from his parents. Often, his life was lonely and boring. Whenever Raymond was in dire need of advice and love, no one was there with him to listen to his problems patiently and to give a shoulder for him to cry on. Neither there was anyone to play with him. Raymond started to crave for attention from his friends and peers. Soon he mixed with wrong company. Then, he started to play truant in school.…
Fundamental principle to all assessments is that such should be valid and reliable. Further, validity and reliability of an assessment tool also include the scoring method employed in it. As an emerging alternative to traditional assessments, Concept Maps should demonstrate similar properties; otherwise its utility as assessment tool may be limited to mere qualitative description.…
Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro was born on February 5, 1985, in Madeira, Portugal to Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro and José Diniz Aveiro. Cristiano has an elder brother, Hugo and two elder sisters, Elma and Liliana Cátia. His name was inspired by the former US-president, Ronald Reagan, whom his father was influenced by.…
If you love what you do and do what you love; every man would find his life a joyful encounter and thus would agree to what Helen Hayes says, ‘if we rest, we rust’.…