Everyone had to stay in the annex during the war because it was too risky going out and possibly being killed by the Nazi’s. The annex was a really small and everyone had to share a room with someone. There were a total of 4 rooms and there were 8 people staying there. For the bathroom there was sink and a toilet but, it was always being hogged by Dussel because he always took …show more content…
The helpers are keeping them safe by just staying in the warehouse and working. When it is time to eat lunch the workers go take a break while the helpers goes up there and eats lunch with them. In the morning the helpers go and they would get a list of stuff they need and when it was their lunch break they would go out and get them food and eat lunch with the Franks and Van Danns. When they were working they had to do their work always they might know that the helpers are hiding something and they could all be killed.
While the Franks and Van Danns were in the annex hiding, they knew they couldn’t be seen from the streets. The only thing people can see from the streets was Mr. Frank’s office. People who are in the back of the garden can’t see them because they keep blinds on the windows closed and they only open it at night to let some air into the annex. The only way the Nazi’s would figure out that they are hiding is if one of them makes too much noise and someone who works in the building would hear them.
In conclusion, I have told you about how Anne Frank’s life was during World War II. She couldn’t go outside or make any noise, she has to eat as much as everyone else eats and everyone can only take a bath once a