However, when it is announced that Life Magazine will cease publication of physical issues, in a move to the online market, famed Life photojournalist Sean O’Connell (Sean Penn) sends in a final cover image that he claims will capture the ”quintessence” of the iconic magazine. Unfortunately, Walter cannot find “Negative 25,” and with his job and the respect of Cheryl on the line, he is forced out into the world, away from his fantasies, to find O’Connell, track down the missing picture, and live-up to the Life Magazine motto:To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, to see and be amazed.That is the purpose of life.After James Thurber published his 1939 short story, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” the property has seen multiple adaptations – most notably a 1947 film (starring Danny Kaye) as well as a broadway show. Screenwriter Steve Conrad (The Pursuit of Happyness) updated the setting and storyline for the 2013 version, loosely incorporating Thurber’s core concept of a day dreaming protagonist along with elements of the 1947 film, to tell an all-new Walter Mitty story with a variety of modern references and story beats.
Stiller not only stars but also directs the film – which, coupled with some of the zanier fantasy moments, might lead moviegoers to assume that The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is another one of the actor’s