
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

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The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
In the short story, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber, a middle aged man named Walter MItty, very regularly fantasises about what his life could be like, because he is bored and tired of his own life. But his wife, Mrs. Mitty, tries to protect him from his fantasies interfering in the real world. I believe Mrs. Mitty’s actions in the text are only to keep him safe and has his best interests at heart. Furthermore, Mrs. Mitty did not want Walter Mitty to get cold so she asked him, “Why don’t you wear your gloves? Have you lost your gloves” (Thurber 2)? clearly this shows that Mrs. Mitty cares about Walter Mitty. If she was trying to emasculate him she would have done it in front of others, they were just in the car by

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