Our perception is often skewed by what the media or what others deem as attractive and beautiful. Self-concept affects individuals directly through interpersonal communications and how others perceive several aspects of our behaviour and attitudes. Self-Esteem and Body Image are also common factors which help define who we are, and are significant in today’s society. These three issues today, can have a huge impact on an individual’s development and overall personality. By definition, perception is “is our sensory experience of the world around us and involves both the recognition of environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli” (Cherry). The Self-Concept is not only how individuals perceive others, but it is how one will perceive themself as well. Interpersonal Communications is evident in everyone’s daily lives and in order to communicate with others, one must first understand one’s self. This will lead to the development of Self-Esteem and Body Image.
Self-Concept will affect the way individuals communicate to one another. According to the basic communication model, there will always be a sender and receiver. The complexity of the Self-Concept is how the sender and receiver interpret the message. This process of communication involves how individuals feel about others and more importantly self-knowledge or self worth. The perceptions that the individual believes of others, will as a result, have an affect of how communication is reciprocated and the influences of their response. In order to fully understand how an individual may perceive a particular situation, the value of Self-Concept must be understood first. The Self-Concept strictly defined is “the totality of our beliefs, preferences, opinions and attitudes organized in a systematic manner, towards our personal existence. [Simply put], it is how we think of ourselves and how we should think, behave and act out our various life roles” (Sincero 2012). This process can be quite
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