and reinforcements to the French colonies.
1752 is when the series of battles between the British colonists and French colonists began.
The French and British colonists had both claimed some of the same territories in the Ohio valley. The French, knowing that the land boundaries were somewhat undefined built forts along where their claimed territories were. In 1752 General Washington led colonist troops to drive the French off of their territory. However, the British colonists lost this battle. After this battle, the British sent General Edward Braddock to lead the war against the French colonists. Under the leadership of Braddock the colonists continued to fail in their attempts to reclaim their territories. By 1758, the British had begun to change their military tactics and they also used a quarter of the British Navy to prevent supplies from France from reaching the French colonies. Around this time, the British also started heavily reinforce the colonists. After these changes, the British went on to win the Seven Years war in North America by the year
Overall, the deciding factor in what led the British colonists to victory against French colonists was the dominance of the British Navy. Both the British and French colonies relied heavily on reinforcements and supplies from their countries. Because of the dominance of the British Navy, the British were not only able to prevent reinforcements and supplies from reaching French colonies, but were also able to reinforce their own colonies.
Works Cited
Wright, Andrew. “Why France Lost the Seven Years ' War in North America.” MilitaryHistoryOnline. MilitaryHistoryOnline, 8 July 2007. Web. 22 Dec. 2013.
“French and Indian War/Seven Years’ War, 1754–63.” Office of the Historian. Web. 22 Dec. 2013.