Shortly after the seventh man left the safety of his home in the eye of the storm with his father's consent, K joined him to walk down to the beach. It was not the intention of the seventh man to purposefully lead K down to the beach to cause him to get into harm's way. The seventh man had lived in the town from birth but was not completely aware of the effects and stages of a typhoon. When he sensed a change in the weather and waves he yelled to K to leave but he was too involved in an object he saw. The seventh man sensed a wave and planned on saving K but his fear and flight or fight response told him to run. He mostly blamed …show more content…
The seventh man does ask questions that he is unsure about the storm. This means that he was not fully aware of the powers and parts that take place in a typhoon. The seventh man would not have a full sense and knowledge that after the slight change that a wave would come. Although he knew a lot about the ocean he knew very little about it during a typhoon. Not many people would be able to know for a fact that K would need saving or that a wave would be coming moments after. K was on quote ten yards away from him which would give him only a few seconds if he realized about the wave to save K. The brain clearly calculated this and caused a flight