Nicholas Carr, author of The Glass Cage: Automation and Us (2014) and his previous book, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (2011) writes about technology and the impact it has upon our culture and argues for the motion that smart technology is making humans dumb. Andrew Keen is an internet entrepreneur and author of three technology related books, one of them being The Internet Is Not the Answer (2015), also argues for the motion. Nicholas Carr states that the use of smart technology is creating a new social environment. He believes that this environment is …show more content…
This is an issue because it does the opposite of its intent and makes people harder minded in their views. He explains this is also not allowing for human interactions in person, which is also changing the way we act socially. People are more inclined to turn to phones in social situations if we feel award versus talking to those around you and experience life in the moment. He brings up the impact this also has on children. Carr believes smart technology for children is very dangerous because their brains are still developing and technology yields a far greater impact on their minds not in a positive way. He says they need to learn through going outside and experiencing things instead of spending time in front of their screens. He compares technology as a negative replacement of a pacifier, which is not beneficial because children are not learning how to self-