ENG 225
Sarah Carson
May 7, 2012
The Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) was a remarkable motion picture inspired by Stephen King and Directed by Frank Darabont. It was not a big budget movie with a lot of special effects rather it was a story about two convicts Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), and Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton), the self-righteous, Bible-carrying Warden (Filmsite, 2012) that vowed they’d never be released from Shawshank State Prison. These actors are considered stars. A character actor is an actor that can fit into many different roles, “adapting to the needs of each script and director they work with” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2011 Sec 3.4 para.4).
This film has one of the best unforgettable endings in movie history and was one of the best films of the 1990’s. The film’s acting, storytelling, sound, editing, cinematography, and critical analysis are outstanding and it makes for a surprisingly good movie.
Shawshank Redemption is a classical film, with a combination of realistic and formalist styles that gives us the best of both worlds. In the movie, the use of long takes, closes ups, and slow zooms toward the characters make the story intimate enough to affect the audience. One of the most striking uses of formalism in the film takes place when the "sisters" attack Andy for the first time. In that sequence, the characters are shot in silhouette. This effectively makes the attackers inhuman. The use of silhouettes are repeated throughout the film. During the first night that Andy spends in Shawshank the guards savagely beat a crying prisoner. As they drag him from his cell, the guards are in silhouette. It is also interesting to note that we rarely see the guards' eyes. They are usually hidden by the rim of their hats. It is also important to note that the guards are often seen in groups of three or more and that they are shot from low angles for
References: Clifton, Molly. Shawshank Redemption Analysis. http://mollyclifton.wordpress.com/2009/10/22/shawshank-redemption-analysis/ Ebert, Roger (1994). Critic Review http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19940923/REVIEWS/40902001 Filmsite, 2012. AMC Filmsite Movie Review, 2012. http://www.filmsite.org/shaw.html Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From Watching to Seeing. Chapter 3 San Diego, CA. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from http://content.ashford.edu