‘Distinctively Visual’
After your reading, please answer the following questions to show your understanding.
Please write in full sentences, in your own words, using evidence from the text where you can.
1 Describe what you see on the front cover of the play. What clues does this give you about the play? 2 After the Contents’ page there is a photograph. Who is this photograph of? 3 What do you learn from the information you are given about the people in the photograph? 4 What further clues does this give you about the play?
The Unacknowledged
5 The play ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonata’ was first seen in Australia in 1995. Explain why this year was significant. 6 The playwright John Misto …show more content…
was influenced to write the play by something he read as a child - what was it? 7 In 100 words summarise the plot of the play using the information in paragraphs 2 and 3. 8 Read paragraphs 4-7 carefully. Write down 5 things you learn about Australian nurses from the time of World War 2. 9 In the final paragraph, you are told that the playwright donated money for a memorial to be built in the memory of these nurses. Where is it and why do you think it is important?
Scores to be settled
10 Vocabulary work – look up these words and write a short definition for each one IN YOUR OWN WORDS, not the words of the dictionary!
Indictment annihilated impartial
Internee repressed quinine
Acceded catalyst poignant
Rife omen comradeship
Vermin pathos cathartic
Read the beginning of the play and then answer the following questions – please answer in full and complete sentences and give evidence to support what you say.
Scene 1
1 Who are the key characters of the play and where does the play take place? 2 What is the first image that the audience is presented with? 3 What impression does this give us of a) the Japanese and b) the female prisoners of war? 4 What image are the audience given of Bridie’s father and how is it created? 5 What impression do you get of Bridie in Scene 1? Give quotations to support your answer.
ANSWER THIS QUESTION AS A CHARACTER LOG – AS A TABLE. See me for further information 6 How does Bridie use humour in this scene? Give quotations to support your answer. 7 What is Bridie’s attitude towards the British military in this scene? How does she justify her feelings? 8 Go back over the scene and read the stage directions carefully. How might the information here make the play’s opening scene dramatically effective?
Scene 2
1 Why do you think it is significant that Sheila wears gloves? What does it tell us about her?
2 Extended response: write about ½ page minimum
In this scene describe the atmosphere between the two characters on the stage – note that it changes and reflect upon why it changes in your response. USE QUOTATIONS IN YOUR RESPONSE.
3 Create a CHARACTER LOG for Sheila and begin to fill in what you have learnt about her from this scene. You should consider how she is seen by other characters as well as how she appears to you by what she says or doesn’t say and how she behaves etc
4 Add to Bridie’s CHARACTER LOG any new information you have learned in scene 2. You should consider how she is seen by other characters as well as how she appears to you by what she says or doesn’t say and how she behaves etc
Scene 3
1 Choose either Bridie or Sheila’s story and retell it in your own
Limit this response to 10 lines 2 Why does Bridie interrupt Sheila? What does this show you about their relationship, even after all these years have gone by? 3 The playwright includes extensive notes through this scene to ensure the performance is directed in a particular way.
Read his directions carefully, then choose 1 which you think would cause greatest dramatic impact upon an audience. a) Write down the directions and underneath each one explain what you think the impact on an audience might be, focusing particularly on how these directions are used to create a particular image b) Comment on the purpose that it plays in the text – ie to give information, to create sympathy etc 4 Choose one other image that is created through language in this scene – quote it and explain why you think it creates something ‘distinctively visual’ to you (there must be an element of personal response here!)
Scene 4
1 Why does Bridie mention the lice? 2 In five lines, describe the argument over British actions in the war. Use your OWN words. 3 What items of food and drink does Sheila mention in this scene? What do these items suggest about condition in the camp? Explain your answer
fully. 4 Creative writing extended response: write about ¾ page
Compose the story of ‘Lipstick Larry’s Pin’ from his point of view. Try to show your understanding of the Japanese and how they saw the POWs in your response.
Scene 5
1 What happened at Radji Beach? 2 Describe the conditions at the camp. Use quotations from the text to support your answer. 3 What was Lavender Street? 4 How do the girls escape having sexual relations with the Japanese? 5 Explain the significance of the chop-bone. 6 How was the choir begun in the camp? What did the choir achieve?
Scene 6
1 What impression are we given of the two women at the beginning of this scene? 2 What is humorous about the song? What does it say about the women in the camp? 3 Re-tell the birthday present story from Sheila’s point of view. (as if you were her) 4 Why does Misto give us an impression of a young Sheila at the end of the scene? 5 Does this change your opinion of Sheila? 6 What impact do you think this would have on an audience?
Scene 7
1 Misto keeps reminding the audience of how the women suffered. How does he do this at the beginning of scene seven and what effect do the constant reminders have? (write at least half a page using quotations to support your response) 2 In 50 words only, describe what happened at Christmas in 1943. 3 How did this incident affect Bridie – at the time and after the war
Scene 8 1 List the things that Sheila did at the party which were out of character 2 Does Sheila have a drinking problem? How do we know this? 3 What reason does Sheila give for not contacting Bridie after the war? 4 In your own words, re-tell Sheila’s story from the point where she goes to Lipstick Larry. You should try to convey some sense of her emotional state.
You can write as Sheila, but you don’t have to.