
The Significance Of State Of Mind In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Hamlet is an enigmatic and contemplative character who is often puzzled with difficult, confusing questions that seem impossible to answer with certainty. Due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the royal family, he becomes obsessed with seeking proof and discovering the truth for himself. This fixation upon differentiating fact and fiction causes Hamlet to wander within his own thoughts. With a mind filled with uncertainty and ambiguity, it is only fitting that his actions reflect this state of mind. “Watch your thoughts - they become your words. Watch your words - they become your actions. Watch your actions - they become your destiny.” The quote outlines the transition between ones thoughts, actions and destiny. Controlling the …show more content…

They believe that Hamlet desires to take her virginity and throw it away, which contrasts the fact that her heart is convinced that the prince truly loves her. Throughout the play, Hamlet’s feelings for her seem to fluctuate and it seems as though he cannot decide if he loves Ophelia or not. His disgust towards women is evident through his harsh words directed at Ophelia, “Or, if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool, for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them. To a nunnery, go, and quickly too” (III.i.138 – 141). Hamlet contrasts his initial words of rage by professing his love for her, exhibiting his indecision about his feelings. “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers with all their quantity of love make up my sum” (IV.i.265 – 267). Furthermore, the death of her father as a result of Hamlet’s erratic behaviour drove her insane, and eventually provoked her to take her own life. The theme of indecision is prevalent in Ophelia’s death because it was triggered by Hamlet’s indecision about his feelings towards her, and his erratic behaviour due to his …show more content…

Consequently, it is possible to conclude that after proving the validity of his uncle’s crimes, Hamlet seeks for another excuse to prevent action. Following this missed opportunity; Claudius and Laertes accomplish their goal of killing Hamlet by successfully arranging and carrying out the swordfight. Thus, the theme of indecision is once again predominant because if Hamlet proceeded with certainty during times of importance, he would have completed his plot for revenge even before his enemies had the chance to conspire against

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