Kirrah on the other. The battle was fought from 595 B.C. to 585 B.C. Thessaly, Athens, and
Sicyon claimed it to be a “Holy War”, hence the name Sacred War. They claimed it a “Holy
War” because they were given the blessing of The Amphictyony of Anthela. The First Sacred
War would consist of the first known use of biological warfare, curses, and the god’s divine
The war lasted ten years because the people of Kirrah stayed hidden behind the fortified
walls of the city. So this caused the Greeks and Sicyon’s to think of different ways of conquering
the city. Thessaly was a major part of the war. They were in charge of the battle tactics on land …show more content…
Though it is usually said that prolonged skin contact may cause
burning, a visitor to this site reported her own experience of suffering burning from quite brief
The reason the Amphictyony league picked this plant is because depending on the part of
the plant you use it can have devastating effects. Not to mention but it also grew very abundantly
in the area. This made it very versatile weapon that they could replenish when needed. The main
part of the plant they used though was the potentially fatal roots. By the end of the war, most if
not all, of Kirrah was poisoned by the tainted water. This caused Kirrah to fall almost overnight.
After this The Amphictyony league grew to become one of the strongest armies and political
powers of its time.
The Amphictyony of Anthela had started to become a major political power by the sixth
century B.C. The greater city- states in the league began to pressure the lesser city- states by
controlling them with new laws and policies. A well-known councilman of the league was Philip
II of Macedon. The problem for him was that nobody like the Macedonians because of their
quest for power. This caused the Amphictyony league to be very wary of him because they