Today, participation in the modern Olympics requires two things regardless of what nationality or gender a person is: determination and skill. That was not the case with the ancient Olympics. In the ancient Olympics, all participants were required to be citizens, which meant they needed to be “male, free-born Greeks” . Women, along with slaves and foreigners, were not allowed to participate in the games themselves, but single Greek women were allowed to watch the games. As for married women, they were not allowed to watch or even visit the games. If they did not abide by these rules, they would be harshly punished, even to the extreme of death. Although it seems cruel, there is surely a reason for this. The ancient Olympic athletes were required to be naked, so it wouldn’t really be proper for married women to watch the games. Now, it may seem that any Greek man could just get on up and participate, but the ancient
Today, participation in the modern Olympics requires two things regardless of what nationality or gender a person is: determination and skill. That was not the case with the ancient Olympics. In the ancient Olympics, all participants were required to be citizens, which meant they needed to be “male, free-born Greeks” . Women, along with slaves and foreigners, were not allowed to participate in the games themselves, but single Greek women were allowed to watch the games. As for married women, they were not allowed to watch or even visit the games. If they did not abide by these rules, they would be harshly punished, even to the extreme of death. Although it seems cruel, there is surely a reason for this. The ancient Olympic athletes were required to be naked, so it wouldn’t really be proper for married women to watch the games. Now, it may seem that any Greek man could just get on up and participate, but the ancient